The people of Chôngo-Tiev (MINDA) in Benue Northwest Senatorial district (Zone B) have accepted to pitch tent with the frontline governorship aspirant on the platform of the All Progressives Congress (APC), Rev. Fr. Dr. Hyacinth Iormem Alia, in his quest to salvage the Benue political clime, which has hitherto remained very unbeneficial to the people.

They made this known on Tuesday, May 10, 2022, at the Makurdi residence of a Party Chieftain and leader of APC in Zone B, Chief Akange Audu, when Fr. Dr. Hyacinth Alia, with his entourage, visited to notify them of his political intention and seek their consent and blessings to run the race smoothly and possibly win the seat.

Speaking on behalf of the Jechira people, Elder Joseph Igo Yawe and Elder John Penda, Chairmen Vandeikya and Konshisha Elders’Forum, respectively, presented Fr. Dr Hyacinth Iormem Alia to the people of Chôngo-Tiev and appreciated their willingness to let go to Jechira the juicy totem of governorship which they have been holding for the past seven years.

They continued that after proper assessment and thorough scrutiny, the Kunav people, who have been favored by micro zoning to produce the next governor, settled for Fr. Dr Hyacinth Iormem Alia, whom they described as humble, law-abiding, and qualified for the job, appealing that Fr. Alia should be considered and supported to win the race.

Fr. Alia in MINDA

On his part, Rev. Fr. Dr. Hyacinth Alia expressed profound gratitude to the people of Chongo Tiev, saying he had come to reveal himself to them, notify them of his political intention and seek their consent and blessings to run the governorship race in the state. “God has called me to expand the good work of healing the sick, casting out demons, and setting the afflicted free to cover the entire Benue and stop limiting it within the four walls of the church.” The Bible says when the righteous rule, the people rejoice. God has sent me to bring peace to the troubled areas, and I am so determined to bring that peace to Benue State and send those who have been displaced back to their ancestral homes. By my calling, I have been setting the afflicted free. Now Benue has long been afflicted with poverty, insecurity, backwardness, and general infrastructural deficit, God has asked me to step in and set my people free.

In their separate responses, Rev. Pastor Dr. Fredrick Ikyaan for Gwer West, Prof. Jonathan Uever for Gwer East, Elder Omega Orti for Makurdi, and Prince Andy Uwouku for Guma thanked the Jechira people for their thoughtful decision, saying Fr. Dr. Hyacinth Alia is generally accepted by Benue people and that the voice of the people is the voice of God. They lamented the level at which insecurity has ravaged the area, calling on Benue people to go out and register for their PVCs preparatory to voting for Fr. Hyacinth Iormem Alia, who, according to them, is the only aspirant that has the potential to entrench peace and guarantee security of lives and property for the people of Benue State.

Earlier, in a welcome address, the leader of APC in zone B, Chief Akange Audu, welcomed Fr. Dr. Hyacinth Alia and his entourage, describing the project as a major one.

Others who spoke at the event include the leader of Team Alia and former Chairman of Guma local government, Hon. Dr. Ade Shorbo, Hon. Mrs Juliana Anja and Hon. Orshoja Yongokaa, amongst others.

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