The Executive Governor of Benue State, Rev. Fr. Dr. Hyacinth Iormem Alia, convened a significant meeting on Wednesday, June 14, 2023, with the chairmen representing the 23 Local Government areas in the state.

During the meeting, held at the Old Banquet Hall in the Government House Makurdi, Governor Alia expressed his gratitude to the chairmen for their dedicated services to their respective local government areas. He emphasized the importance of their commitment in order to achieve better outcomes.

In his address, Governor Alia cautioned the chairmen against underestimating the significance of their positions and urged them to exhibit diligence, bearing in mind that their actions directly impact the disadvantaged people of Benue State.

The Governor stressed the necessity for the council chairmen to prioritize transparency and accountability in all their endeavors within their respective local governments. Drawing attention to the issue of security, he emphasized the imperative of reinforcing border control measures and encouraged the chairmen to reside in their local governments, actively monitoring the situation on the ground instead of staying in Makurdi or visiting larger cities.

Furthermore, Governor Alia drew the chairmen’s attention to an executive order mandating the removal of unauthorized revenue collection points along highways. He directed the chairmen to ensure strict compliance with this directive within their jurisdictions.

Additionally, he advised them to refrain immediately from engaging in any form of illegal mining, as it goes against their responsibilities.

Governor Alia emphasized that the council chairmen have been entrusted with substantial responsibilities and must not take their positions for granted. He urged those genuinely committed to their work to approach their duties with utmost seriousness, while encouraging those who find it challenging to fulfill their obligations to step aside gracefully.

Highlighting the conclusion of campaigns and elections, Governor Alia reminded the council chairmen that their current focus should solely be on governance. He emphasized that they are no longer working in the interest of any political party but are accountable to the well-being of the people of Benue State.

In response to the Governor’s address, Honorable Mike Ubah, the chairman of Guma Local Government and also the ALGON chairman, expressed gratitude on behalf of all the council chairmen for the opportunity to engage with the Governor. He pledged their collective commitment to align with the policies of the new administration, with the ultimate goal of fostering the development and progress of Benue State.

Additionally, all the 23 Local Government chairmen submitted comprehensive reports on their respective areas’ activities during the past three months to the Governor for assessment.

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