Political and Economic Governance

Effective political and economic governance is important for the smooth functioning of a society and for ensuring that the needs and interests of all members are taken into account. Political and economic governance systems that are transparent, accountable, and responsive to the needs of the people can foster trust, stability, and prosperity. On the other hand, systems that are corrupt, repressive, or ineffective can lead to social unrest, inequality, and poverty, like we currently have under the PDP-led administration.

Our plan for political and economic governance aims to establish a system that will be transparent, accountable, and responsive to the needs and interests of our people. This involves measures to promote democracy, such as free and fair local government elections, freedom of speech and the press, and the rule of law. It also involves measu

Rule of law - A Strategic Development Plan for a Greater Benue - Alia-Ode 2023

res to promote economic development and prosperity. Our plan also takes into account the specific needs and current challenges of our people. This will involve addressing issues such as poverty, inequality, corruption, environmental degradation, and conflict. It might also involve working with other neighboring states, the Federal Government, and international organizations to address key challenges such as climate change, terrorism, or economic instability.

We pledge to lead by example in transparency and accountability and to embrace the concept of government as a government of the people, for the people, and by the people. We shall ensure that public funds meant for our state are expended for the benefit of our people.

Mission Statement

Our aim is to implement reform procedures, increase skills, reorientation, motivation, and leverage technology to improve service delivery efficiency, remove waste, curb corruption, and operate a transparent government. Our goal is to transition from manual processes to almost 100% digital governance.

Father Alia

Key Issues

There is no argument that both the state’s public and private sectors suffer from a leadership deficit and institutional fragility. When such flaws become apparent, the state is no longer appealing to investors or any financial investment. Development and prosperity can also be completely undermined, as it is in Benue State at the moment.

Action Plan

Some of the steps to be taken by our government to confront these lapses include:

Structure of Government
  • Restructure government ministries and agencies in line with the priorities and focus of the government
  • Appoint commissioners, special advisers, special assistants, senior special assistants, and personal assistants based on their areas of expertise and the priorities of the state.
  • Evolve modern ways of cutting down government expenditure
  • Establish the office of Adviser on Social Groups and the Diaspora and appoint an adviser of cabinet rank
Media  and  Communication
  • Upgrade the requisite equipment at Radio Benue, the Benue Publishing and Printing Company, the Government Printing Department, and the Mobile Film Unit
  • Reposition the Benue State Television Corporation for full digital transmission
  • Upgrade the Benue State Library and stock it with e-library facilities
Inter-Governmental Relations and Traditional Institutions
  • Appoint a commissioner in the Ministry of Local Government and Chieftaincy Affairs in the state
  • Encourage all LGAs to develop and implement development plans that are in line with state policy
  • Support the local government in the generation of internally generated revenue (IGR)
  • Restructure the local government administration in the state in line with the constitution
  • Create a database to aid in the administration of local government
  • Re-engineer a functional budget system in the local government system
  • Continue to implement new regimes of emoluments, allowances, and other necessary logistics for the traditional rulers
  • Support the traditional institutions in the task of maintaining intra- and inter-state peace and security in their domains by involving them in security and conflict resolution
Civil Service
  • Prompt payment of salaries, allowances, claims, pensions, and gratuities
  • Periodic review of workers’ welfare to keep pace with economic realities
  • Undertake general recruitment in the state civil service from time to time
  • Undertake training and re-training of all civil servants for optimum service delivery
  • Upgrade the necessary infrastructure at all government ministries and departments
  • Empower the Staff Development Center for effective service delivery
  • Introduce smart attendance and a management register to enhance supervision of staff in the state
  • Review and implement the Pension Reform Act of Benue State
  • Amend the Pension Law for effective performance in the State
Internal Revenue Generation
  • Review the legal status of BIRS and make it a reputable revenue-generation organization for the state
  • Diversify and maximize other revenue sources in Benue State
  • Increase the computerization of the operations of BIRS and employ more professional personnel
  • Review and implement all other legislation relating to revenue collection and remittances in the state
Public Expenditure Management
  • Ensure that a budget call circular is issued by the first week of June of the year, prior to implementation
  • Ensure the Ministry of Finance and Benue State Commission issue early-year budget guidelines in May of every year
  • Ensure that budget estimates go to the State Executive Council by the 1st week of September and to the Benue State House of Assembly (BSHA) by the 1st week of November
  • Adequately recruit and train staff in the Monitoring and Evaluation Unit of the Benue State Planning Commission
  • Re-engage with UNDP, DFID, UNICEF, etc., in making concrete and appropriate efforts to attract foreign funds for development
Disaster Management
  • Reposition the Benue State Emergency Management Agency (BENSEMA) for effective disaster management
  • Create awareness campaigns throughout the state on disaster-prone issues
Justice Administration and Legislature
  • Furnish the Judiciary and Ministry of Justice with adequate modern equipment
  • Improve management capacity in justice sector institutions
  • Revamp the State Law Reform Commission
  • Sponsor the review and re-enactment of the laws of Benue State, Nigeria
  • Reform the Benue State Judiciary to create room for Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)
  • Provide funding for the training and continuing education of staff of the Ministry of Justice and the Judiciary
  • Fully equip the BSHA Complex with broad-band information and communications technology (ICT) infrastructure and other important logistics
  • Engage and train all the support staff of the Benue State House of Assembly Service Commission for improved performance
Debt Management
  • To dialogue with the debt management agencies of government, including the Central Bank of Nigeria, the Debt Management Office, and the Federal Ministry of Finance, to ascertain the actual debt burden of the state
  • To evolve modern strategies in the management of debt burdens
  • To adopt debt prioritization. That is imbibing an inward-looking culture that de-emphasizes external borrowing for social elephant projects

Sources of Funding the Plan

  • There shall be a tremendous improvement in the internally generated revenue (IGR) in the state
  • There shall be Improved profit from government investments and business organizations
  • Funds expected from bilateral cooperation with international development agencies, foreign governments, and donors
  • Credit Facilities obtained from the Capital Market and Foreign Loans
  • Finances from the Private Sector Participation via Outsourcing, PPP, and the Base of the Pyramid (BOP).
  • Statutory Allocation from the Federation Account
Critical Economic Policy Assumptions
  • Benue State shall progressively and professionally increase her internally generated
  • Benue State shall operate stringent fiscal operations to avoid overdependence on borrowing
  • Benue State shall show more commitment to servicing local and foreign debts to avert the negative burden on future generations
  • Benue State shall maximize capital budgeting while reducing extra budgetary and recurrent expenditure
  • Benue State shall expect that excess crude as a source of inflow will stagger and eventually decrease in the longer term
  • Short-term funds and bonds shall be relied upon to fund important economic emergencies
  • Disasters such as the financial crisis, the economic recession, and pandemics are likely to thwart the economic fortunes of our state

We pledge to lead by example in transparency and accountability and to embrace the concept of government as a government of the people, for the people, and by the people. We shall ensure that public funds meant for our state are expended for the benefit of our people.

Father Alia

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