Human Capital & Social Development

Our Human Capital and Social Development Plan involves strategies for investing in and improving the well-being and potential of our people. It typically includes initiatives related to education, health, employment, social services, and other areas that can help individuals and communities thrive.

Here are some potential components that are included in our Human Capital and Social Development Plan:

Education: We believe that investments in education can help individuals acquire the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in the workforce and contribute to their communities. This includes initiatives to improve the quality of primary and secondary schools, increase access to higher education, and provide training and professional development opportunities.

Health: Ensuring that people have access to quality healthcare can help them stay healthy and productive. Our plan includes initiatives to improve the availability and affordability of healthcare services, as well as efforts to promote healthy behaviors and prevent diseases.

Employment: We firmly believe that providing opportunities for meaningful work can help individuals support themselves and their families and contribute to the overall economic development of our dear state. Our strategy includes initiatives to create new jobs, provide job training and support for job seekers, and encourage entrepreneurship.

Social services: Providing access to social services such as housing, food assistance, and support for families can help ensure that individuals and families have the resources they need to thrive.

Community development: Investing in the infrastructure and resources of a community can help create a supportive environment for its residents. Our plan includes initiatives to improve transportation, public spaces, and access to amenities such as libraries and parks.

Mission Statement

The mission of His Excellency, Rev. Fr. Hyacinth Iormem Alia is to activate several interventions for the elderly, women, and children, as well as to provide opportunities for Benue youths to realize, harness, and develop their full potential, and to equally facilitate the emergence of a new generation of indigenes committed to the sustenance of good governance and service to the people and the entire nation. Our goal is to provide social and economic security for our people through programs that promote opportunity, provide assistance in times of need, and systematically develop a skilled, healthy, and compassionate society.

Father Alia

Implementing our Human Capital and Social Development Plan requires a collective commitment of resources and coordination across various sectors and organizations. It is important to involve stakeholders such as government agencies, non-profit organizations, and community groups in the planning and implementation process to ensure that the plan meets the needs and priorities of our people and their communities.

Primary and Secondary Education

There is no doubt that education, healthcare, and social development are the three most important pillars of any society. Each of these sectors is critical to ensuring the well-being of the people and society as a whole.

Education - Alia-Ode 2023

Education is the most powerful tool that can be used to change the world. It plays a pivotal role in shaping the future of a child and society as a whole. Healthcare is the second most important pillar of any society. It ensures that people are healthy and have access to quality healthcare. Social development or protection is the third pillar of any society. It ensures that people are protected from all kinds of social ills and have access to social security.

An educated population is more likely to be productive and create wealth. This can lead to greater economic growth, which leads to higher standards of living for our people. Ultimately, this will result in better healthcare and social protection systems as people will have access to resources they need.

Our administration will promote an educational approach that focuses more on wealth creation. This includes providing free and compulsory basic education; building cutting-edge educational institutions; and improving educational quality at all levels, with a stronger emphasis on vocational skill development to prepare our youth for global jobs.

Father Alia

    • Effectively implement and enforce the Universal Basic Education Act, with a focus on tuition-free, compulsory basic education for all Benue State children.
    • Engage and train adequate teachers for public schools with an emphasis on science, computer, technical, and mathematics teachers to re-enkindle public trust in public schools
    • Sustain the school feeding programme to encourage school enrollment and reduce issues that distract children from learning
    • Restore and establish technical/ skills acquisition schools and centers in the state’s three (3) senatorial districts
    • Help Colleges of Education (COE) in Katsina-Ala and Oju, as well as Benue State University (BSU), expand teacher training programmes in order to enroll more teacher trainees
    • Ensure adequate and timely payment of counterpart funding to attract the needed number of construction and renovation projects at the Universal
    • Renovate and equip selected primary and secondary schools yearly in each local government area in the state
    • Reactivate and increase the number of scholarships and financial aid available to students.
    • Improve teachers’ salary and benefits, as well as their training and competency, through rigorous inspection and enforcement of performance requirements.
    • Build and equip more libraries in schools and community centers with access to online educational and enlightenment materials
    • Develop and promote the successful use of new teaching techniques and materials in primary and secondary schools, including the most up-to-date technology and cognitive tools.
    • Ensure that existing technical and commercial colleges are fully utilized in order to reposition our youth for global jobs.
    • Redesign and enhance all vocational centers for the development of technical skills, including those for the physically handicapped who require special training.
    • Ensure learning environments and quality of tutors are improved, while equipment and tools are provided to promote research, increase professionalism and raise the quality of graduates
    • Assist the education ministry in modifying the extant curriculum to capture the major indigenous languages in the state, viz., Tiv, Idoma, and Igede
    • Provide adequate and timely motivation to teachers through enhanced emoluments, training, and a conducive work environment
    • Support the Benue State Scholarship Board to liaise with scholarship awarding institutions such as Common Wealth, Bilateral Scholarship, and the Federal Ministry of Education to attract scholarships to deserving Benue indigenes
    • Reinvigorate school supervision by the Benue State Ministry of Education for effective service delivery
    • Stop the menace of “ghost teachers” in public primary and secondary schools, by deploying a mechanism wherein head teachers and education officers will be made responsible for screening teachers under them
Tertiary Education
    • Improve funding for all state-owned tertiary institutions in the state for effective service delivery
    • Increase the bursary allowance for all indigent students
    • Expand the infrastructural facilities and manpower base of all tertiary institutions in the state
    • Support gifted Benue State indigent students with national and international scholarships in peculiar areas of need for the state
    • Give priority attention to the funding of infrastructure and accreditation exercises at the Benue State University
    • Expand existing research facilities and institute a special research grant at Benue State University
    • Decongest the Benue State University via Satellite Campuses

The role of any responsible government is to pilot the overall expansion of healthcare by designing health care policies and programs, securing essential public health functions, and regulating the delivery of healthcare services to ensure that our people have a high standard of living while mortality and morbidity rates are kept low. If voted into office, our administration will invest heavily in healthcare and social development.

Health Care SectorOur healthcare approach for Benue State is one that focuses on preventative care and wellness. This means that instead of waiting for someone to get sick, we will proactively take steps to keep our population healthy. This will include access to quality healthcare, education on healthy lifestyle choices (proper nutrition, exercise, and avoiding risky behaviors), as well as early detection and treatment of diseases.

The Governor Ortom-led administration lacks clear healthcare policies aimed at alleviating the health challenges of our people. This is complicated by the dilapidated hospital facilities and unmotivated staff that require urgent interventions.

At this point, we can all agree that Benue State is in dire need of a holistic health care system that is universally accessible, affordable, and effective. Fr. Alia accords high priority to the health sector, which is crucial for the development of our dear state. Our administration will improve the doctor-patient ratio and provide better health care services by putting hospitals and clinics under the control of the local communities with strong central collaboration. We will also build a strong partnership between the state, federal, and private health sectors to reduce the cost and improve the quality of health services in Benue State.

Father Alia

Key Issues
    • Lack of community involvement in the management of the health sector.
    • Primary health care centers have become shops  for trading
    • Inadequate apparatus
    • Outdated infrastructure
    • Erratic provision of essential drugs
    • Non-available skilled and appropriate manpower.
    • Lack of electricity and access to clean water supply
Action Plan
    • Domesticate the Residency Training Act, to encourage our resident doctors to stay and also perform optimally
    • Sponsor Benue indigenes for further studies in the health care sector via a bond scheme to prevent brain drain
    • Strengthen all health institutions in the state to deliver efficient pro-poor health services
    • Partner with UNICEF and other organizations for free treatment of VVF
    • Introduce biometric data capture for attendance at work in all the health institutions in the state as an aspect of e-governance to ensure dedication to duty
    • Facilitate the procurement and installation of functional ventilators in all health institutions, especially general hospitals
    • Upgrade or renovate building facilities at all general hospitals to ensure that doctors are present in the quarters for duty calls
    • Strengthen the College of Health Sciences of Benue State University through the recruitment of high-level staff, equipment, and consumables
    • Make healthcare services affordable and accessible by strengthening the Contributory Health Insurance Scheme (CHIS), which shall cover civil servants, businessmen and women, as well as farmers
    • Provide an ultra-modern laboratory with quality equipment, facilities, and technology at BSU Teaching Hospital
    • Revive the Dialysis Center at the BSU Teaching Hospital
    • Establishment of at least a functional diagnostic laboratory in each senatorial district of Benue State
    • Upgrade and equip all Primary Health Centers (PHCs) via the Primary Healthcare Board in the council wards
    • Upgrade the status of the School of Health Technology, Agasha, to that of a college
    • Accelerate the training of young doctors and other health workers in specialized areas
    • Support the Anti-Quackery Committee in monitoring health care activities to fish out quacks
    • Respond accordingly by procuring adequate vaccines for medical emergencies
    • Pursue vigorously public enlightenment and advocacy on HIV/AIDS and increase access to free anti-retroviral drugs, as well as preventive measures for dreaded diseases
    • Encourage the development of drug management systems, as well as the outsourcing of drug management services to pharmaceutical companies
    • Carry out a comprehensive healthcare plan that includes expanding access to primary healthcare, improving maternal and child health, and increasing access to essential medicines.
    • Increase the number of hospitals and clinics and improve the quality of healthcare services.
    • Make the healthcare sector more affordable and attractive.
    • Focus on disease prevention through immunization, improved environmental cleanliness, fumigation of high-risk areas, and dietary enlightenment programs, as well as the development of diagnostic and treatment capabilities when illness does occur.
    • Improve life expectancy through our healthy lifestyle initiatives of smart and balanced diet, exercise to augment preventive measures against spread of diseases
    • Promote free antenatal care for pregnant women as well as free medical care for senior citizens over the age of 70 who are suffering from diseases such as cancer, leprosy, tuberculosis, HIV/AIDS, and others.
    • Ensure that all our people have access to healthcare through a well-managed and adequately financed healthcare delivery system.
    • Encourage the local manufacture of pharmaceuticals for malaria, and typhoid in Benue State and run an aggressive fight against fake drugs.
    • Protect the rights of vulnerable groups such as women, children and the elderly.
    • Ensure that all hospitals in Benue State are equipped with modern facilities for the provision of quality medical services to our citizens at affordable prices.
    • Ensure that hospitals are located at strategic locations within easy reach of residents in rural areas and other parts of Benue State where there may not be adequate access to major health centers or hospitals.

The future of Benue State lies in the hands of our women. There is absolutely nobody anywhere in the world that is not born of a beautiful woman.

In our public schools, women make up over 70% of secondary school teachers and over 80% of primary school teachers. Women make up the majority of our civil service. As a result, women’s empowerment should not be an afterthought at all levels of society.

Women are more than equal development partners, and they must be identified and treated as such. Our administration will make a concerted effort to abolish all types of gender discrimination.

Mission Statement

Our plan will focus on restoring and rebuilding the shattered family structure as society’s cornerstone, as well as ensuring that all vulnerable groups and women are included in our social security protection.

Father Alia

Key Issues:

Several challenges are threatening women and the family structure:

      • divorce and single parenthood cases are on the rise,
      • children are dropping out of school,
      • Domestic violence against women and children is on the rise,
      • Cultism, crime, and drug abuse are on the rise,
      • Child slavery & trafficking cases are on the rise.
Action Plan
    • Ensure adequate women’s representation in all appointments, both at the state and local government levels
    • Empower women to effectively engage in income- generating activities for their improved standard of living
    • Encourage women to form and operate cooperative societies to facilitate easy access to business capital
    • Combat the menace of gender-based violence in the state
    • Encourage girl-child education in the state
    • To evolve financial empowerment schemes for widows and their dependents in the state
    • Develop policies and regulations to protect widows, domestic workers, and other vulnerable groups from harassment and abuse.
    • Approve special education for Persons with Disabilities (PWDs) especially women to ensure completion of education, and take concerted measures to ensure their involvement at all levels of governance and economic activities.

The youths are the bridge to the future. They are the future of Benue State, Nigeria and Africa at large. We believe that when we invest in our youth today with the necessary skills and knowledge, they will reap the benefits for decades to come as they lead Benue into an era of prosperity, progress, and development.

A young population, with effective programs and initiatives in place, presents significant prospects for a structural transformation. Our government aspires to empower youths by using several methods of developing their potential, such as education, 21st century skills development, entrepreneurship training, and poverty alleviation programs.

Mission Statement:

Our mission is to assemble both internal and external stakeholders in their professional disciplines to collaborate on creative, innovative, and transformative initiatives that would result in a productive and sustainable future for the young people of Benue State.

Father Alia

Action Plan
    • Ensure adequate women’s representation in all appointments, both at the state and local government levels
    • Empower women to effectively engage in income- generating activities for their improved standard of living
    • Encourage women to form and operate cooperative societies to facilitate easy access to business capital
    • Combat the menace of gender-based violence in the state
    • Encourage girl-child education in the state
    • To evolve financial empowerment schemes for widows and their dependents in the state
    • Promote youth participation in governance both at the state and local government levels
    • Promote the establishment of youth recreational centers in the three senatorial districts in the state.
    • Establish the Benue Youth Volunteer Corps (BYVC) to provide service, skill development, and leadership development to our teeming, youthful population
    • Promote youth participation and employment in agro-processing industries strategically located across the three senatorial districts of the state
    • Facilitate employment, training, scholarship awards, and entrepreneurship programmes for militia converts in the state
    • Train young doctors, engineers, ICT experts, lawyers, and other needed professionals to enhance the human capacity of Benue State
    • Re-orientation of the youth for effective patriotism, discipline, honesty, integrity, and selflessness in youthful society
    • Generally, improve youth employment through efficient commerce, industries, and agriculture
    • Create a digital community with the sole aim of lifting our people out of abject poverty and preparing our youths for global job opportunities.
    • We intend to train at least 20,000 people in digital skills every year. This would be accomplished by implementing state-wide technology-focused programmes in collaboration with the private sector to acquire digital skills
    • Translate ideas into emerging start-ups
    • Establish business incubation clusters with high-level technical competence in collaboration with relevant parties
    • Creating waste-to-wealth-generation business hubs.
    • Establish Benue Entrepreneurship Development Institute
    • Design and execute digital adoption regulations such that all enterprises, institutions, and government entities in Benue State must have an online presence over time (website, social media handles, etc.)” – such an initiative will result in the creation of thousands of employment for young people with the necessary digital skills.
    • Create programmes to encourage existing businesses, particularly traders to understand and leverage technology and e-commerce as tools for business expansion and growth

The Benue Entrepreneurship Development Institute will be established. We will focus on training and up-skilling the youths in other areas, in addition to technology, to guarantee that each youth has a minimum of ONE to three skills that will boost their economic opportunities
Father Alia

Social Welfare
    • Develop capacity-building and participation strategies for the differently challenged groups in the state
    • Prudent application of funds from the federal government meant for social investment programmes
    • Upgrade the Juvenile Reform Center at Gboko and establish one in each senatorial district
    • Revise strategies for emergency relief
    • Domestication of the Benue State Commission for Vulnerable and Disabled People in Benue State to harmonize all rehabilitation centers
    • Sponsorship of an executive bill to legalize and encourage sponsorship of sporting activities by private and public organizations
    • Establishment of sports academies in the state Develop modalities for full commercialization of sports for revenue generation in the state
    • Complete all outstanding renovation work and further expand the capacity of the Aper Aku Stadium, Makurdi, to international standard
    • Re-introduce the All-Primary and Secondary School Games to harness local talents in the state
    • Equally, promote regular inter-local government and national sports competitions
    • Increase funding and provide more facilities for sports development in the state
    • Support the development of mini-stadiums in all the local government headquarters

A Strategic Development Plan for a Greater Benue - Alia-Ode 2023

    • Domesticate the National Transportation Policy to make Benue State an integrated multi-modal transportation and logistics hub in Nigeria
    • Construct a multipurpose airport in Makurdi through a PPP or BOT arrangement
    • Restructure and strengthen the operational capacity of Benue Links through the appointment of efficient management.
    • Procurement of new vehicles at a subsidized rate and other inputs required for smooth operations at the company
    • Encourage private participation in the transportation business in Benue State and across Nigeria
    • Introduce the compulsory establishment of parks for trailers and heavy-duty vehicles in strategic local governments in the state
    • Work in partnership with the Federal Government to ensure the commencement of the dredging of the River Benue and the establishment of an inland river port in Makurdi
    • Partner with the Federal Government and the states in the South-East, North Central, and North East to ensure that the NNPC depots within these zones are resuscitated, the old pipelines are replaced, and that a gas pipeline similar to the Ajaokuta-Kaduna-Kano pipeline is also built from Port Harcourt through Benue State to the North East to power the industries within these zones
    • Create partnerships with the private sector (vehicle assembly plants in Nigeria, the banks, and Benue young and enterprising youths) under the PPP arrangements in road haulage businesses so that food from the farm gate in Benue State can be transported quickly to consumers anywhere
    • Work with the Federal Government and all other states that stand to benefit directly from the rehabilitation of the narrow gauge eastern railway line from Port Harcourt to Maiduguri and lobby for the construction of standard gauge lines such as the Lagos-Kano rail line
    • Constitute a transportation committee to supervise, regulate, and harmonize all issues of transportation in the state and appropriately sanction deviants
Culture and Tourism
    • Ensure the formulation of cultural policy for Benue State
    • Establish a Museum of Cultural History and Ethnography
    • Re-engineer the activities of the Benue State Arts Council
    • Facilitate private participation (via PPP and BOP) in the development of tourism in the state
    • Resuscitate wildlife parks at Ikyogen, Ikwe, Lobi, Raav, and other strategic locations in the state
    • Provide general improvements in tourism infrastructure across the state
    • Support cultural artifact production and partner with the private sector in establishing craft markets in the state
    • Support private sector initiatives in the development of beaches at Makurdi, Buruku, Katsina Ala, and Gbajimba
    • Facilitate the linkages to the national tourism board and the International Ecotourism Society
    • Promote the developmental interests of creative industry practitioners

Tourism- Alia-Ode 2023

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